Friday, September 24, 2010

4 Months of Chubby Cheeks

I know I missed month 3, I’m sorry. Working part-time during the busiest time of year for me meant that I couldn’t do a lot of extra-circular activities, and that extra time at home? Yeah, no idea where that goes. The past 2 months have seen you change from a new born to a real baby. You coo and chat and gurgle and giggle all the time now. You love to talk to us and to yourself. You laughed a real laugh at your sister. She kept saying “Boo” and every time you would laugh so hard! We could get you to chuckle, but only Hayley got a real laugh.
You are being a good boy for your grandma’s now that you are there full-time. You are eating like a champ. I think you’re getting close to having doubled your birth weight, but that could just be because I have to carry you around in that heavy car seat. You’re definitely taller, I’m just about ready to remove the second head positioner from the car seat since it seems to be squishing you a little bit.
You’ve rolled over sparingly from tummy to back, but you are enjoying your tummy-time more. You’ve gotten some control over your hands and can grab objects and bring them to your mouth, so you love to grab anything that I have and try to eat it. You’re also loving to really sit up, but you’re not so good at staying up yet. You tend to tip over one way or another depending on how we prop you up. Your arms have gotten so much stronger. You can prop yourself up during tummy time and those legs kick so much I think if you don’t start to crawl, you may try to fly soon.
You love to smile at us, and now matter what is going on, or how frustrated I am, I can’t help but smile at you and see you smile back. It makes my heart melt just a little every time. You slept through the night once this last week! Of course my night ends really early, I woke up at 4:50 and panicked that you hadn’t eaten, so I woke you up, but I wonder how long you would have slept given the opportunity. Mostly you’re up once during the night and then you go right back to sleep. I’m grateful for that, since it’s hard enough trying to stay awake at work as it is with being all sleep deprived.
It’s been fun watching you grow and learn, I’m glad that I have that opportunity again. It’s what makes being a mom and never getting to go to sleep or relax, actually rewarding. Of course don’t ask me when you’re a teenager, I may want to relax at that point, but until then, I’m loving getting to be with you as much as I can.Love you,

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