Saturday, July 30, 2011

14 Months of Trying Again

Okay so 14 months and than some, but better late then never! This month has seen a huge change in your mobility. You are now walking like a champion! You have figured out that you can move faster walking and so usually it's your preferred method of movement. You are adorable while you walk, half dinosaur, half drunk sailor. But now your knees aren't quite so dirty, most of the time.
You have four little teeth now and I think more will come soon. Because of your lack of side teeth eating can still be challenging. You don't want mushy baby food, but you still need more teeth before you can eat most crunchy food. You love pizza and can eat a whole slice all by yourself and if I let you, you would live on goldfish crackers and water.
You have finally hit 20 pounds, barely, so I'm still trying to oil up your food. When I make myself an egg white omelet, you get an egg yolk omelet cooked in butter and as long as you have ketchup, you're a happy camper.
You find hitting hilarious, we, your family, find it much less so. Trying to discipline you is met with temper tantrums and throwing yourself to the ground. This is your standard reaction when you are told "No" and can't play with what you want to (fire, knives, etc) and it has gotten frustrating for me too. We did have to leave a store and walk right out with the shopping cart full because you were throwing a monster fit, but of course, once we got outside you were fine, but then we got in the car and the water works and screaming started up again.
You love the pool, but you don't love having to be held or in your baby tube. You are ready to be out there, swimming away. You love to jump into the pool, but you do not like floating on your back, that makes you very cross indeed. But you love to kick and splash and feel the water all around you.
You are trying to learn to give kisses, mostly the big, slobbery, open-mouth kind, which is cute, but messy. You are cool with high fives, but fist bumps are still somewhat confusing.
Your talking is getting better, for a while there i thought you would only ever speak in grunts and growls, but now there is the occasional "mama" or "baba" in there and your favorite thing to say is "HeeYaw!" which must be said at full volume and repeated over and over until the end of time. Still it's pretty cute and the hugs are definitely worth it.
Love you,

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