Tuesday, March 20, 2012

22 Months of Throwing yourself to the ground

I can't believe how big you are. It's finally to the point that you're not a baby anymore. You are a fully-fledged toddler and you know how to communicate more and you're taller and smarter, just like a real person!
You are the sweetest when I come home and you give me hugs and kisses, I'm glad that you missed your mommy. But now when you wake up, you don't always call for me, sometimes you're calling for "daddy" instead. Although last night when you were put to bed by Summer, you kept calling for her, which just broke her heart and made her try and "rescue" you from bedtime, but that didn't work out so well, since that just kept you from falling asleep.
This month you had not-quite pneumonia and it was so sad. You slept constantly and ate almost nothing, losing weight because your throat probably hurt, so now that you've been feeling better, we've been feeding you milk mixed with cream and more food with more oil, so that we can fatten you back up now that you're eating normally. Well, normal for you anyway. You are being a little more adventurous with food. Tasting more even if you're not eating it. We moved your high chair to the table so that we can all eat together, so maybe that will help you want to eat what we're eating, but we'll see. Your sister still doesn't want to eat what daddy and I eat.
This last week our family has acquired a puppy. You love to play with the puppy and this also means that you want to go out every time that she goes outside, so this will probably help you get outside more and watching TV less, but you do like you're shows. You love Dora the Explorer and Bubble Guppies. I dont' even know what a bubble guppy is, but it's your favorite and when we turn the TV on, you will ask to watch that, and that's pretty hilarious, but you watch way more TV then you should, but I'm trying not to feel guilt about the things that happen at home when I'm not even there, we'll see how that works out, so far not great.
You've figured out the whole gun concept, I'm not sure where, except maybe TV, but everything you pick up is a gun and you "shoot" us (thanks, BTW) and you laugh when we pretend to get shot. Hilarious all around. Talking to other moms, it seems like this is something that comes pretty naturally to boys, everything is a gun and there was almost no way to avoid that. But love to play guns and want us to play with you. I guess it's good that you want interactive play, that probably means you're smart, or at least, that's how I'm going to talk about it to other people.
You're growing up so fast, I already tell everyone that you're "almost 2" instead of 22 months, because it seems just when I figure out how many months old you are, another month has past and you're that much closer to being a terrible two-year old. Hopefully with those terrible twos come some adorableness so that we decide to keep you instead of selling you to the circus. So far, no circus for you, but I'm keeping my eyes open.
Love you lots,

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