Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Year of Wonder-12 months

Wow. It’s amazing that it’s been one whole year of learning and growing. This is the big one kid. You never get another first birthday. The party was excellent. I made a monkey cake and your Grandparents made homemade strawberry ice cream. You didn’t really tear into your cake, you tasted the icing and then you were okay with this weird thing in front of you. You mostly ate the icing and grabbed the cake and just squished it in your fingers, but you also ate plenty of the sugary goodness. Almost everyone you’ve ever met was there! Plenty of good toys and cute clothes to last you for a bit, I think.
This month you’ve made the transition from learning to walk to being a real walker! Walking is getting to be old hat for you, soon it’ll be running! You’re tastes are also developing at an alarming rate. In the morning you don’t like peaches, but later that night you’ll love them like we starve you! One meal all you want is oatmeal and the next I can’t force it into your mouth to save my life! But I think that just means you’re entering toddler-dom and leaving behind the sweet attitude free infancy. But that’s not to say that you aren’t sweet. As a matter of fact this month I’ve seen your interest in others and your gentleness become a big part of you. You want to share (even though you haven’t quite figured that out yet) and you want to know other kids. You also no longer just ignore your stuffed animals or use them to lay on, now you’ll hug them and cuddle them and carry them with you.

You’ve gotten more independent, which I’m sure is part of being at so many different houses in your week. You’re content to wander away from us or for us to move away from you without you getting upset. You’re excellent at playing by yourself but you still love to watch the older kids play. You want to be in thick of things. You are so inquisitive. You want to play with everything and you want to mimic what daddy and I do. Which is great, as long as you don’t get you hands on the remote. Or the phones. You now have 3 cell phones of your own and have 2 flip phones. Of course Grandpa Larry got you your newest flip phone and hopes that now you’ll leave his alone. Of course baby cell phones have nothing on real ones.

You’re 12 month check up went great. You’re now 21.5 pounds and about 29 inches tall! Which makes you of average weight but gets you almost 70% for being tall! So I’m glad you’re able to get over the short genes your dad and I gave you, at least for the moment. I don’t know that it’ll help much down the road.

We had your 1 year pictures taken this weekend and boy you are a cute baby but so serious and your refusal to sit still meant we couldn’t get many posed photos, just action shots! You warmed up to the woman taking your pictures really quickly when you realized that she had a camera! You wanted that thing and it was pretty mean of her not to give it to you, doesn’t she know who you are?

You’re getting more teeth which is a pain for you but also one for us since you don’t’ sleep well and I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I likes me some sleep. So we’ve had some sleepless nights lately which makes me very cranky, but you’re good as gold the next morning when you end up not even sleeping in past your normal time. It’s pretty rude. But once you’ve gotten that 4th tooth all the way in, I hope to get more than 6 hours a night.
It’s been a whole year and we haven’t sold you to gypsies yet! I’m so impressed! I guess this means that we’ll keep you. Probably. I mean, the terrible twos might be a little touch and go. We’ll let you know.

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