Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry 15 Months Baby

It's certainly been a long month for me! Getting all ready for Christmas and making sure that you were taken care of as it's Daddy's first month back at work has been stressful to say the least. You've been mostly at Mandy's house although Niki and Grandma did take you for a day each. I spent 3 days during that last 2 weeks before my Christmas holiday just being home and finishing up the shopping and whatnot and it was lots of fun. You seem to be in the middle of a nap transition. For me you'll still take 2 naps a day, but anywhere else it's pulling teeth to get you down for a nap and then it's only 1. I'll be sad if I can't keep you with your two naps, but it is a sign that you're getting bigger and your little body needs fewer rests during the day. This month has also brought the emergence of the meltdowns. Your first was lovely and at Archibald's restaurant. I think your napping situation is taking it's toll on you as well and so now you're being nap deprived and so meltdowns are occurring regularly.
I found out I was suppose to let you start spoon feeding yourself at 12 months, so sorry, it's a bit late, but we're working on it. This morning you were able to get most of your oatmeal in your mouth all on your own. It will be a lovely day when I can eat and you can feed yourself and I don't have to wait until your finished. You mostly stab at things with your spoon and that does make it harder to eat, but today you were able to figure out the whole turn the spoon and it will hold foodstuffs until it get to your mouth. I was very proud. You're getting more open about foods but you still hate potatoes and even sweet potatoes that you will eat out of a baby food jar, but in real life, you can't stand them.
You have a brand new cousin who is very small. I remember those days but I was always so excited to see who you would be. Looking at your little face and wondering how you would act. I'm very happy with where you're at right now and while I'm excited for you to start saying real words, this is all passing away very quickly. Soon it'll be time to start again with a new baby so you can be the big sister, but for now I'm glad it's just you and me (and maybe Daddy a little).

The doctor told us we should work on teaching you your body parts, but apparently you already know them without our help. I asked and all of the sudden you knew where your ears, mouth and nose were. You're still working on your eyes, but 3 out of 4 isn't bad at all!
Christmas was a lot of fun this year. Last year you fell asleep but this year you really got the hang of opening the presents and discovering what was inside. You didn't get tons as I expected, but you did get some big things. A rocking horse that neighs and wags it's tail from one set of grandparents and a baby guitar and maracas from the other. I got you a few little things and then some clothes. You will be such a styling little thing. It's pretty obvious that everyone loves you.
You want so much, so want to take the stairs facing forwards as you go down them, but you're too little unless there is something or someone for you to hang on to. You want to help sweep the floor and help with the laundry. Whenever something is getting washed you must be allowed to put at least 1 item into the washer and then you wave bye-bye to the clothes. You want to get all your clothes out of the basket and carry them around the house, so your room is a disaster area. Oh well, some day soon I'll get to be home all day and maybe then I can find the energy to put the clothes away before you get to them.
I guess we'll still keep you.

Heart You,

(It really was the pictures! I couldn't get them upload, so here's few extra because you're so cute)

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