Friday, August 22, 2008

23 Months Now with Sentences

This month has been lots of fun! And I mean that, mostly. The past few months have held leaps in vocabulary, but this month is the month of sentences. You can say things that can be expressed in 2-3 words. Black cat. There daddy. Tummy full, etc. Sometimes I expect you to politely ask for what you want. But that's not the case quite yet, since not everything you feel you want is easily expressed, but we're getting there. And of course you are the smartest child in the whole world.
I just bought you some new clothes for your upcoming birthday and pictures and you don't even want to know how much trouble it was to find a dress that met all my criteria. It had to be less than $25 (I'm cheap, blame your grandfather) and not be too overtly holiday themed or summery, as this should hopefully be your nice dress for a year or however long it fits you. It's really hard to find a toddlers dress that isn't very summery or made or red or black velvet for under $50, believe me, I scoured the entire world wide web, I know. But I'm a bargain shopper and found a really cute dress on clearance for $8! And while it's sort of spring/summery it's so totally cute I don't even care!

I'm more excited for your upcoming birthday then I probably should be. I've had the theme all worked out in my head for months. Let's just say I'm excited. I'm excited for you to really be done with this whole "baby" thing and be a real bona fide toddler. Of course you've been in your terrible twos for a while now. But I hear that's what happens to the smart kids who just really want to communicate, and I want to believe that.

Just the other day you counted from 4 all the way to 10! By yourself! of course you wouldn't do a repeat performance since usually 9 follows 4 or 6 and 7 are left out entirely, but this time you did it! I was so proud.

Just a few days ago, you ate a chicken nugget! You cannot believe how happy this made me. Hurray! My child will eat processed and fried meat products! Of course you only ate one cut-up dinosaur shaped nugget, but it was your first time eating more than one accidental bite of meat! I have been worried about your protein intake since there's no way I'm getting you to eat beans or soy, meat does provide some essential nutrients, or something like that. All I know is that I'm getting burned out on the 3 things besides candy and ice cream you will actually eat.

You get put in time out quite often when I'm home (daddy's a softie) mostly for trying to kill the cats or throwing food on the floor. It's so cute even though I'm irritated to see your chubby little face pucker up for the "I'm sorry" kiss when I come to dismiss you from the "naughty step."

We're trying to fill up your time with play rather than TV, but you are already on your way to being a junkie. I'm sorry, this is mostly my fault. I also have a TV addiction. It's something I deal with everyday, but I'm working hard and trying to take small steps towards being independent from my electronic master, and I hope that you can also live free from this, but it's hard. it's so much easier to let to watch Ducktales or Finding Nemo because you want it and it'll totally engross you for 20 minutes to 2 hours where I can get things done or just have quiet time. But I'm trying. We'll see how it goes. We can only take this one day at a time.

This month has been full of kisses and bliss and tantrums and frustration, but someday we'll look back on it and laugh. Or be in lots of therapy.

Love ya,


1 comment:

Becca said...

Well of course she doesn't want to eat BEANS and SOY for protein!!! She wants the GOOD stuff!