Friday, February 19, 2010

It's like living in an episode of Dora the Explorer

My daughter, she loves TV. She knows all her favorite characters and will ask for shows by name. She wants to watch Deigo, or Dora or Avatar. So lately living with her is like being in an episode of Dora the Explorer. Since it's always "Do you see such and such? Say such and such!" in the little Dora voice. It's really cute, at first, but after the 20th time it's a bit obnoxious. But it's great to see what things she has picked up. The things she says because I say them. She says "sure" to everything, which apparently is something that I do, but never really noticed. Although when I think she's making things up I tend to say "sure" in response to her questions, but mine comes with a degree of sarcasm, which she has not picked up on as of yet.
She can count to 9 in Spanish. I think she learned it at school, but they also count on Dora, right? So maybe the TV taught her that too.
I just wanted to share that.
Also I have 13 weeks before I have a new child and have to deal with both. At the same time. Pray for me. But really it's not going too badly. Yet, being uncomfortable is getting obnoxious though. And gaining weight is killing me, but really, it's also not going to stop me from eating 3 pieces of cake. Okay 4. Shut up about it, okay?

1 comment:

Niki said...

Just wanna say that I love ya. <3 And excuse me, but you eat that cake and never, ever apologize for it! Or feel guilty. Never!