Monday, March 29, 2010

The Third Trimester Scoop

So I didn't really document too well when I was pregnant with my daughter. I thought I did, but myspace has verified that this is not the case. Mostly I talked about eating. I wonder why I gained 25 extra pounds?

Project Baby Boy: So here we are 32 weeks. It's the final countdown. I feel like I'm definitely not ready at this point. The crib is still a toddler bed, the twin bed for the toddler is still in pieces, the cradle is still full of toys and blankets. Although thanks to the kindness of friends and neighbors I have tons of clothes from 0-6 month sizes, and I bought a single crib sheet and a crib bumper, which apparently I didn't have with my daughter, and didn't care if she bumped her head.

This baby is just as active as I recall Hayley was. I'm getting really uncomfortable. I'm measuring about perfect and see the doctor every 2 weeks at this point. I'm not sure how I'm going to get any bigger, but I still have 8 more weeks, although according to Web MD, this kid won't grow much taller, just fatter. Right now the kid should be about 18.5 inches long and weighs just under 4 pounds.
I've been pretty good about continuing to workout and really have only needed to stop running and even walking, even though that's supposedly easy, but always makes my abdomen hurt where as stair stepper, elliptical and step aerobics all seem fine, but I have to really be careful with strength training since just about anything makes my back hurt. Babies are heavy! Lucky for me, but I was not plagued with morning sickness this time and have been trying to eat health(ier) and not just eat bacon cheese fries for lunch every other day. So far I'm several pounds less then where I was with Hayley and several people have said how I don't seem as pregnant as I did last time, which is good, I have really been trying on to "eat for two." But lately, I can't seem to find the motivation to eat well at home. It's way too hard to go to work all day, do homework, take care of a 3 year old and a husband and cook a dinner that includes vegetables. Way too much effort.

But I'm still able to sleep well, when my toddler lets me, she hasn't been sleeping well and it's killing me and makes me wonder if in 8 weeks I'll ever get any sleep. But I'm not being kept awake with heartburn or being uncomfortable, but there is still plenty of time for that I'm sure.
I'm just hoping the next 8 weeks pass quickly, but not so quickly that I haven't gotten anything accomplished.

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