Wednesday, March 31, 2010

34 Years of Chewing Paper

Today is dear husband's birthday. I make a big deal out of my daughter but I have a husband as well! I suppose I should try and show some appreciation.

This year has seen you try new things including starting a Masters of Accounting program and deciding that wasn't going to work for you and then looking to small engine repair classes, which are almost finished after the year long program. It's nice to see that your passionate about something. You really love working with the engines and always try and tell me about such and such thing that you fixed. Most of it goes over my head, but I'm glad that you've found something that you enjoy.
Of course now you think that you don't have to help out around the house, just because you work 6 days a week, well, we're going to have to re figure that out.

Now to address the title of this post, since you don't have much about yourself that changes year to year, especially when it comes to how stubborn you are. Case in point:
In elementary school the rule was "students can't chew gum in class" so because you were defiant and stubborn you decided to chew paper instead, so that you weren't actually breaking the rule, just driving your teacher insane. I think you were still sent to the Principal's office and your poor parents were called. How happy they must have been 8 years ago when I agreed to take you off their hands!

Love you,


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