Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Whither the Way?

So I don't want to post about the elections, because that's lame and I'm a totally uninformed voter (for the most part) but I don't want to pretend like it's not there. The big elephant in the room. Who Poops! So just go vote, okay? if more people voted the world would be more awesomer? Okay? Good.
Now that that is out of the way, I will tell you something that I have done some research on. And that's people who blog. Or have websites. This is more then just a blog, it's full on craZy! http://thepioneerwoman.com/ Niki introduced me, but today I really got into this site. Spending the better part of my day there. Not only do I like to read about what she cooks, she wrote the whole story of her meeting and falling in love and marrying her husband. Well, I thought it was the whole story. After getting to last post listed the story just ends! After the couples first real fight! I have to know! Obviously they get married, but what was the aftermath? It's like reading the third book in the Eragon trilogy only to find out that book isn't the end. Except that I haven't read that yet, but I plan on it!
Anyway, as you may have guess from my posting I'm participating in NaBloPoMo, which means something that amounts to Post on your Blog every Freaking day in November.
http://nablopomo.ning.com/profile/willowkist So here we are. I'm going to try it. Although i already cheated by posting Saturdays and Sundays on Monday, but I'm trying, and I think I get points for that.
So I'm out to go vote! Just like a stoat! Come on, you get that reference, right?


Niki said...

I am completely smitten with The Pioneer Woman and have been engaged in an online affair with her for months now. Nick is okay with this because he gets awesome new dinners and desserts out of it. I love her writing, I love her cooking and I love her photography. She is living my dream (except for the part where she helps impregnate cows...no thanks!).

Troy said...

I probably won't read about this pioneer woman, but I read to the end of the Eragon "trilogy" and found out that it wasn't the end! It was terrible! I kept thinking as I got closer that I didn't know how he could wrap it up so quickly... and then he didn't!

I did vote, by the way, and just heard that Obama won... though I am disappointed, can't say I didn't see it coming.